A sports facility suitable for a diverse community and various skill levels.

Pump track

Pump tracks play an extremely important role in developing cycling skills for the youngest riders. They also help older riders to acquire new skills such as balance, speed perception, agility, physical and mental strength, coordination, and precision.
These skills can assist users in facing the challenges of everyday life. What sets our pump tracks apart is that they are originally designed for bicycles, but they can also be used by riders with other equipment, such as roller skates, scooters, inline skates, and balance bikes.

Pump tracks serve as an excellent starting point for learning the basics of mountain biking, especially jumping, pumping (generating speed), and cornering. These skills can later be applied to larger mountain bikes and mountain biking trails.

Riding on a pump track doesn't require pedaling but instead utilizes body movements. By shifting our body up and down (illustration below), we achieve the desired speed and enjoy socializing with other riders!

Bikers with different positions
Kids riding on Pumptrack Litija - Slovenia

We divide it into four levels for different levels of riding.

Pump track levels

Beginner pump track

Beginner's track

It’s a track made for kids and beginners, where all the objects are adjusted to suit smaller bikes and allow the users to develop speed easier. Usually, the advanced riders don’t ride this type of pump track, which is why beginners have an easier time improving their skills.

Beginner pump track

Basic track

This is the type of track that suits most riders and sports. It has a bit bigger objects than the kid’s one, but is still easily rideable by kids and beginners, while it also suits the advanced riders. Basically, we cover all the needs with this one.

Beginner pump track

Jump track

That is the most technical one of them all. Besides the regular rollers, it includes different jumps that allow all the riders to gain jumping skills. The whole pump track is rideable without jumping at first, which is perfect to better the rider's skills step by step.

Beginner pump track

Race track

Riders gain speed faster because of larger objects that allow them to develop their skills even more and get them to progress to the next level.

Pump track Semič - Slovenia

Some of the pump tracks we built